Vegan Green Leaf Salad with Pomegranate Seeds and Walnuts

Vegan herb salad with baby leaves, pomegranates and walnuts - perfect for hosting

  • StartersType
  • EasyDifficulty
  • 10 minPrep. Time
  • 4Serving/Unit


Parsley, 1/2 bunch
Coriander, 1/2 bunch
Mint, 1/2 bunch
Baby leaves, 60 g
Lemon juice, 1/2 unit
freshly squeezed, to taste
Olive oil, 1 tablespoon
to taste
Salt, 1 flat teaspoon
to taste
Black pepper, 1/4 flat teaspoon
to taste
Pomegranate, 1/2 unit
disassembled into seeds, or cranberries
Walnuts, 1 handful


1. Chop the parsley, coriander and mint, and place in a mixing bowl.
2. Add the baby leaves which are gently torn into bite pieces.
3. In a separate bowl, mix the lemon juice, olive oil, salt and black pepper, while the sauce should maintain a sour hue.
4. Add to the bowl of greens and mix. Add the pomegranate seeds and walnuts.
5. Taste, fix seasoning if necessary and serve.
6. Bon appetite (:
Instead of walnuts you can use natural or sugared pecans.
Nutritional Values Serving/Unit 100 Grams
Calories 132 cal 130 cal
Proteins 4 g 4 g
Carbohydrates 10 g 10 g
Fat 10 g 9 g
The nutritional values appearing on this website are intended to provide general information only, and do not constitute a recommendation, a substitute for consulting a specialist or receiving medical advice.
Avner Shafrir Recipe by Avner Shafrir
Vegan Green Leaf Salad with Pomegranate Seeds and Walnuts
Vegan salad that whets the appetite