Vegan Antipasto: Broccoli, Mushrooms, Sweet Potatoes and Zucchini

An easy-to-prepare antipasto in the oven with healthy and tasty ingredients - a wonderful vegan addition to any meal

  • AdditionsType
  • EasyDifficulty
  • 10 minPrep. Time
  • 5Serving/Unit


Broccoli, 800 g
can be frozen
Mushroom, 200 g
Sweet potato, 3 medium units
Zucchini, 3 medium units
Salt, 1 flat teaspoon
to taste
Black pepper, 1 pinch
to taste
Olive oil, 4-5 tablespoons


1. Cook the broccoli in water for about 5 minutes and strain. Place in a baking pan.
2. Slice the mushrooms, sweet potato and zucchini into thin slices and place in the baking pan too.
3. Season with salt, black pepper and olive oil, and mix until all the vegetables are coated in oil and spices.
4. Bake at 390°F (200°C) for 25-30 minutes until the vegetables are golden.
5. Bon appetite (:
you can add a variety of different vegetables to taste.

Total time: 30-60 min

The preparation method also includes cooking. The spices in the recipe are according to personal taste.

Nutritional Values Serving/Unit 100 Grams
Calories 389 cal 68 cal
Proteins 12 g 2 g
Carbohydrates 69 g 12 g
Fat 10 g 2 g
The nutritional values appearing on this website are intended to provide general information only, and do not constitute a recommendation, a substitute for consulting a specialist or receiving medical advice.
Pazit Sabag Recipe by Pazit Sabag
Vegan Antipasto: Broccoli, Mushrooms, Sweet Potatoes and Zucchini
Healthy vegetable antipasto