Buckwheat Stew with Grated Carrot

Roasted buckwheat stew for vegans - healthy and also gluten-free

  • AdditionsType
  • EasyDifficulty
  • 10 minPrep. Time
  • 4Serving/Unit


Roasted buckwheat, 2 cups
Olive oil, 3 tablespoons
extra virgin - for frying
Carrot, 1 large unit
without peel
Water, 2 cups
Sea salt, 1/4 flat teaspoon
Black pepper, 1/4 flat teaspoon
coarsely ground
Nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon


1. Clean the roasted buckwheat, rinse well and strain.
2. Fry the buckwheat in a pot with the olive oil for a few minutes, while stirring.
3. Grate the carrot, add to the buckwheat and mix.
4. Add about 2 cups of boiling water and the spices to the pot, and bring to a boil.
5. Lower the heat and continue to cook for about 30 minutes until the buckwheat is soft (with the lid closed).
6. Mix with a wooden spoon, serve and eat hot. Very tasty even when eaten cold!
7. Bon appetite (:

Total time: 30-60 min

The preparation method also includes frying.

Nutritional Values Serving/Unit 100 Grams
Calories 176 cal 61 cal
Proteins 4 g 1 g
Carbohydrates 25 g 9 g
Fat 8 g 3 g
The nutritional values appearing on this website are intended to provide general information only, and do not constitute a recommendation, a substitute for consulting a specialist or receiving medical advice.
Michal Dinar Recipe by Michal Dinar
Buckwheat Stew with Grated Carrot
Buckwheat for lunch, anyone?