Some time ago a dear friend of mine reminded me that she does not forget the taste of my hummus spread, which is a good enough reason to share the recipe with you (:
Total time: 1-2 days
Equipment: pressure cooker (optional, can also be cooked normally - it will just take longer), blender/food processor.
The nutritional value does not include the serving toppings. The spices, lemon juice and the amount of raw tahini are according to personal taste. The preparation method also includes soaking and grinding. The hummus can be kept in the refrigerator for several days (without preservatives). If there is no pressure cooker, cook in a regular pot when adding the clean cooking water (after first boiling and changing the water) a flat teaspoon of baking soda. Without it, insufficiently soft and fluffy grains will be obtained, which will be reflected in the texture of the hummus. I have already seen that in some recipes there is an instruction to cook in a regular pot for about an hour, and in my opinion the chickpeas will not reach the texture needed for a perfect hummus spread.
Nutritional Values | Serving/Unit | 100 Grams |
Calories | 334 cal | 389 cal |
Proteins | 16 g | 19 g |
Carbohydrates | 43 g | 50 g |
Fat | 12 g | 14 g |