Onion, 1 large unit
Olive oil, 1 tablespoon
Tomato, 10 medium units
Carrot, 3 large peeled units
Whole Basmati Rice, 1/2 cup
Oats, 3 tablespoons
Salt, a pinch
Black pepper, a pinch
Cane sugar, 1 flat tablespoon
Garlic, 5 cloves
Basil, 1 tablespoon
Water, as needed
1. Steam the onion with the olive oil.
2. Add the tomatoes with about 5 liters of water.
3. Grate the carrots into the soup.
4. Add the rice and oats.
5. Bring to a boil.
6. Add salt, black pepper and sugar, and cook over low heat for about an hour.
7. At the end of cooking, add the crushed garlic and basil, and grind the soup with a rod blender to the desired texture.
8. Bon appetite (:
Total time: ±1 hour
Equipment: rod blender, big pot.