Banana and Strawberry Smoothie

Refreshing vegan strawberry and banana smoothie with fresh fruit

  • OtherType
  • Super EasyDifficulty
  • 10 minPrep. Time
  • 2Serving/Unit


Strawberry, 500 g
Banana, 2 medium units
peeled and chopped
Orange juice, 1 cup


1. In a tall container (drinking jug for example) put the strawberries and mash with a rod blender.
2. Add the bananas and orange juice and continue blending until a thin liquid suitable for drinking is obtained (sugar can be added for those who prefer it sweeter).
3. Refreshing and delicious vegan smoothie is obtained.
4. Serve chilled and enjoy (:

Equipment: rod blender.

Nutritional Values Serving/Unit 100 Grams
Calories 224 cal 50 cal
Proteins 3 g 1 g
Carbohydrates 56 g 12 g
Fat 1 g 0 g
The nutritional values appearing on this website are intended to provide general information only, and do not constitute a recommendation, a substitute for consulting a specialist or receiving medical advice.
Banana and Strawberry Smoothie
Delicious and refreshing smoothie