Spinach and Chestnut Gnocchi

Easy and delicious potato gnocchi dish with spinach, chestnuts and garlic

  • Main DishesType
  • EasyDifficulty
  • 30-60 minPrep. Time
  • 3Serving/Unit


Potato gnocchi, 500 g
Fresh chestnuts, 12 units
Spinach, 250 g
fresh, washed and coarsely chopped
Garlic, 1 head
peeled and cut into slices
Vegetable cream cheese, 2 tablespoons
Ground nutmeg, a pinch
Coarse salt, a pinch
Black pepper, a pinch
coarsely ground
Water, as needed


1. The chestnuts should be boiled (12 units - note that they are without mold and do not make noise when shaken) in a pot with water, and after boiling should be cooked for another 20 minutes. Peel immediately when removing from the water - do this carefully because they are very hot.
2. After peeling, cut into slices and set aside.
3. Fry the garlic for a few minutes in a pan with olive oil, add the spinach and chestnuts and fry for about 5 minutes.
4. Add the cream cheese, mix and let the flavors blend.
5. At this point add the seasoning: fresh nutmeg, coarse salt and black pepper (to taste of course).
6. Allow the mixture to evaporate in the pot, and prepare the gnocchi according to the manufacturer's instructions. Add it directly to the sauce and continue cooking briefly until there is no liquid.
7. Serve on plates and say the chestnut prayer three times
8. Bon appetite (:

The spices in the recipe are according to personal taste. The preparation method also includes frying.

Nutritional Values Serving/Unit 100 Grams
Calories 393 cal 122 cal
Proteins 10 g 3 g
Carbohydrates 78 g 24 g
Fat 1 g 0 g
The nutritional values appearing on this website are intended to provide general information only, and do not constitute a recommendation, a substitute for consulting a specialist or receiving medical advice.
Spinach and Chestnut Gnocchi
Great combination of spinach and chestnut flavors